My daughter changed my life.
She quite literally changed my mindset while she was in my tummy, and she forced me to change my circumstance once she arrived. I knew that the life I had built was not the life I wanted for her. I knew that the love I had experienced, was not the love I wanted her to mirror her adult life after. And although I was not always strong in my strength… And although I can now see so clearly that I was carried most of the way… It’s been 6 years since leaving that house and I can boldly say that I did change our life, and showed myself what I’m capable of in the process. I did combat every limited belief telling me I couldn’t make it financially alone, or that held me back from receiving easy flowing love. I did become an expert on manipulation and co-dependant dynamics. I did harness my own sense of self and purpose. And I did create a peaceful life for myself where the relationships around me are genuine and beautiful. I look back and I can see the desperate face of the frail woman with a newborn on her arm, and I have realized myself to be the strong pillar I wished I had around. Choosing yourself is scary, but you are not in this alone. No matter how alone I had felt, I see now that I have always been held by a greater plan.
Your big push might look different than mine. Your journey might feel like something else. But at the core of it all, it’s about honouring the voice that says, “this isn’t what life is supposed to be,” … “There is another way…”
Thank you for trusting me to be a pillar for you, but know that every shift you achieve in this life, will be and has always been because of YOU!

$450 – 90 min Remote Empowerment Coaching Sessions x3 Bundle
This Remote Coaching Session Bundle will leave you understanding why you have ignored the pull inside of you and feel renewed and ready to begin honouring yourself in every area of your life. Making this choice is not for the faint of heart, but when you feel the calling, you will know that there is no way out but through.

$100 – 60 min Remote Reiki Healing Session
Allow your burdens to be witnessed, and the truth to be revealed. Allow every emotion that wants to be felt. Allow the release that happens when everything is okay. Everything is exactly as it’s meant to be. Allow yourself to surrender, allow for slumber. Who are you without the weight of everyone that came before you?

$50 – 30 min Recorded Tarot Reading
Receive a video recorded reading tapping into your energy to determine what has been troubling you, how you are overcoming it, and what’s in store on the other side of this hurdle. Themes can vary depending on the most prominent energy surrounding you.

$80 – 60 min Remote Tarot Reading
Enjoy an hour long remote tarot reading diving into a full celtic cross spread. If not all questions feel clear at the end of the reading we may ask the cards specific questions or dive into a small coaching session, pending time.
I would like to take a moment to thank you Ashley for my first amazing Coaching and Reiki healing experience. I was so amazed at how your body communicated during the healing. As we released attachments I could even hear your stomach talking loud and clear. It was absolutely amazing! You have helped me uncover deep inner wounds that need healing. Being a healer myself, it’s important that I focus on my own healing so that I have the capacIty to help others. How spirit works through you is so unique and special. Thank you for all your help!
Mackey Habisreitinger